Articles by jpallen

Alternate Reality Gaming and business

In my recent USF talk on Alternate Reality Gaming, I used ARGs as one example of the “uneasy relationship” between the community-based, self-organizing dynamics of today’s web, and ‘normal’ businesses. Classic ARGs are not even…

Why everyone is Macworld crazy

Why the obsession with Macworld? The iPhone is hot, of course, and Macs are great machines. Steve Jobs is the 21st century genius of tech marketing. But there has to be something more fundamental to…

IT and the Future of Work

Steve Sawyer and I organizing the second IFIP 9.1 workshop on IT and the Future of Work. With all the research focus on technologies and business models, we believe that significant changes to the nature…

The joy of information systems

In business schools, my academic specialization is called Information Systems. Information systems researchers study the design and use of information technology in all kinds of organized human activity: businesses, government, schools, hospitals, even social movements….