Articles by jpallen

The iPhone pricing debacle

Last night, our local ABC 7 news featured my startling insights into the recent iPhone pricing uproar. When Apple dropped the price of an iPhone from $599 to $399 after only two months, even Apple’s…

The Ultimate Systems Reading List

So many books, so few weeks in a semester…. Check out the books we’ll be reading this fall in Systems class. A random selection is above. The entire list, with brief commentary, can be found…

Could be right?

During FastTrack advising last week, some of the new students asked “can you recommend particular teachers?” Not knowing the different first-year writing, math, and econ profs, I told them to check out — the…

Systems class final projects

It’s the end of another semester, and that means it’s final project time for our undergraduate Systems in Organizations class. Our Systems class is a cool combo of process design, operations, and technology. By the…