© 2010 jpallen

Pic of the Day: March 27

The missus is processing Morocco’s legendary Argan Oil the old-fashioned way.

Argans are endangered trees native to Morocco.  In olden times, goats would climb (yes, climb) into the trees, eat the fruit, and poop out the pits.  The pits would then be ground by hand to make a delicious and healthy oil even better for you than olive oil.  Modern methods for processing argan oil are boring and sanitary.

Argan oil works for cooking and salads, but also makes its way into cosmetics and anti-aging creams.  It’s full of essential fatty acids and other great stuff.  And the world’s entire supply argan oil is produced by co-operatives of Berber women.  (Though they do allow the men-folk to work behind the scenes or, in the case of this shop, in the attic.)